Coupons: Using a File System

my BINDER is a fabulous way to coupon and keep all those clipped papers organized, but with a sweet baby to keep me busy, clipping coupons was taking waaaaay too much of my time.

I get coupons every Sunday, and if I missed one week of clipping them, the papers really started to pile up. It quickly felt impossible to sit down and clip the huge stack I let build up. (I was cutting out every coupon if I thought I would use it or not... this is because I may not pay for an item that I have a coupon for, but if a deal came up where I could get it for free, I would use it - or donate it)

Now I only clip what I use because I am organizing the whole coupon insert that comes in Sunday's paper in a file box vs. organizing each separate coupon in my binder. This has been saving me so much time each week, it's unbelievable.

I was nervous to switch over from my binder to "the box" because I couldn't actually see the coupons without taking out each insert and flipping through it - but then I found this website: hotcouponworld - This is a coupon database where you can type in a word like "pepsi" and see if there are any coupons out there. Another website you could use is sundaycouponpreview - scroll down a little and on the right side you can choose from "categories" or "archives" to see what coupons are in past inserts.

To help with gathering coupons for my grocery runs and trips to CVS I use pennypinchinmom - she will match up the coupon inserts or list a coupon that you can print so that you can get the best deal. She has a coupon database on her website too and will post some fun freebries or other great deals around the KC area and beyond.

I just started my box and do not have a perfected system yet, so if you are doing clipless couponing let me know your tips!

Here are some pictures to show my new system:

all inserts have a date on the crease - this RP (redplum) insert is from 1-2-11

there was also a SS (smartsource) insert that was in the same Sunday paper. I wrote the date on them so it is easier to see, paper clip them together, write the date on a sticky note, and file them together under 1-2-11

I file each insert by the date. I have an extra folder to put the weekly advertisements in as well. I label with the sticky notes so that I don't have to replace the folders.

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